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Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy at a Glance

About us

I am Frida Carlsson and we process your data as Data Controller. That means we take charge of how we use and protect your personal data.

What do we use your data for?

We use the data that you have provided us online or through any other means to answer your queries and suggestions, provide you with the services or supply the requested products, as well as process your online purchase.

Why do we have them?

We are entitled to process your data for different reasons. By filling out a form or sending an e-mail in which you ask us a question or suggestion, we have a legitimate interest in attending to it. When you register on our website or make a reservation or purchase, we must execute the contract that you accept with us, just as we have the legal obligation to issue an invoice in which your data is collected, when the service or purchase is carried out.

With whom do we share your data?

We will only share the data with those collaborating companies to meet the requests received and provide our services or provide you with the products, banking entities and bodies required by law. In no case do we sell your data to third parties.

What rights do you have?

You have the right to access, rectify or delete your personal data. You also have the right to object to the use of data that you have previously authorized us to use, to carry it and not to be the subject of automated individualized decisions.

In the treatment of your personal data, we apply the following principles to guarantee the greatest protection for you:

Principle of legalty, loyalty and transparency:

We will always require your consent for the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes that we will previously inform you of with absolute transparency.

Data minimization principle:

We will only request data that is strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which we require it. The minimum possible.
Principle of limitation of the term of conservation: The data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the treatment, depending on the purpose, we will inform you of the corresponding retention period, in the case of subscriptions, we will periodically review our lists and eliminate those records that have been inactive for a considerable time.

Principle of integrity and confidentiality:

Your data will be treated in such a way that adequate security of personal data is guaranteed and confidentiality is guaranteed. You should know that we take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access or improper use of our users’ data by third parties.

In this privacy policy you will find more detailed information about the use we make of the personal data of our customers, suppliers and users, and in general of all the people who maintain contact with us, regardless of the means they have used to communicate (form online, by phone or by e-mail, in person).

We like to be transparent about what we do with your personal data, so that you understand the implications of the uses we carry out, or the rights you have in relation to your data. For this reason we keep our Privacy Policy, the Legal Notice and the Cookies Policy updated, information that you can consult on this same web page.

If you have any questions or want more information about the privacy policy, you can continue reading the document.

FRIDA CARLSSON undertakes to comply with current legislation at all times regarding the processing of personal data. Through the following privacy policy FRIDA CARLSSON, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the RGPD and in the LOPDGDD, informs users and the people whose data it processes:

1. Who is Responsible for the Processing of your Data?

The person responsible for processing your data is FRIDA CARLSSON:

Identity FRIDA CARLSSON – X3183460F
Address: Calle Taburiente 23 – 35510 Puerto del Carmen, Spain
Phone number +34639449309

FRIDA CARLSSON informs the user that the data provided by browsing our website, the different data collection forms or sending emails, will be processed by FRIDA CARLSSON and that said processing It is included in the Registry of Treatment Activities managed by FRIDA CARLSSON in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD.

At, we process data both from the users of our website and from third parties that maintain relationships with us. In order to make it easier for you to know the treatment we carry out of your data, we have differentiated the purpose for which we use the data, the types of data and the basis of legitimacy based on the category of people from whom we process data. Next, we classify the people whose data we process based on the type of relationship they have with FRIDA CARLSSON.

Website users
What data do we collect from our website users?

Data of users who fill out any of the available forms: The personal data that FRIDA CARLSSON requests includes:

  • Identification data: name and surnames, telephone, postal and electronic address
  • Data relating to the request
  • Data of users who want to receive information commercial communications and information:

Identification data: name and surnames, telephone, postal and electronic address
Data of users who browse our website: Data provided by cookies and other web tools.
Data of users who make comments on our blog
For what purposes are we going to treat your personal data?

When the user accepts our privacy policy, he authorizes us to use the personal data provided for the following treatments:

Send you the information and provide the service you request through the various forms available on our website.
Send you commercial communications about offers, activities and promotions of FRIDA CARLSSON and the sector that may be of interest to you by conventional or electronic means when you have checked the box that you wish to receive information.
How do we obtain your data?

We obtain your data through:

The form that the web user fills in for the purpose that is included in it. The form that the web user fills in for the purpose that is included in it.
We obtain the navigation data from the different cookies that the user accepts when accessing for the first time.
What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?

The express consent of the user (article 6.1.a. RGPD) expressed by completing the different forms, the marking of the box is what legitimizes the treatment by FRIDA CARLSSON. The user can revoke the consent given at any time, although if he revokes the consent, it does not affect the data processing carried out prior to its revocation.

The legitimate interest for the elaboration of navigation profiles and detect preferences through the installation of cookies.

The execution of a contract or the adoption of pre-contractual measures when the client makes a request through the different forms available to the user on our website or requests information about the services provided by FRIDA CARLSSON.

What data do we collect from our suppliers?

Supplier identification data: The personal data that FRIDA CARLSSON requests include:
Identification data: name and surnames, telephone, postal and electronic address
Employment and professional data
Activities and businesses
How do we obtain your data?

We obtain your data through:

The signing of the contract that binds us, the acceptance of the budget presented, the receipt of invoices from the provider and the signing of the Treatment Manager contract, if applicable, for the service provided.
For what purposes are we going to treat your personal data?

Manage the information related to the data of our companies that provide goods and services, as well as their representatives.

Maintenance of the contractual relationship with our suppliers.

Management of payments and collections related to the contracts that bind us.

What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?

In the execution of a pre-contract/contract to send you the information and manage the service provided, not being possible to carry it out otherwise.

In the legitimate interest for the management of the data related to the representatives of the suppliers of FRIDA CARLSSON.


What data do we collect from our customers?

Data of customers who fill out any of the forms available at as well as at the physical establishment of FRIDA CARLSSON
Identification data: name and surnames, telephone, postal and electronic address
Data relating to the request
Data of customers who register on our platform:
Identification data: Name and surnames, postal and electronic address, telephone, billing address.
Data of customers who make a reservation or order in our establishment in person:
Identification data: Name and surnames, postal and electronic address, telephone, billing address
Data of our clients obtained through our contracts and budgets
Data of customers who make a purchase online or in person:
Identification data: Title, name, surnames, postal and electronic address, telephone, billing address.
Transaction data: Products purchased / services provided and means of payment, invoice or purchase receipt.

How do we obtain your data?

If you are an online customer, we obtain your data through:

The form that the user completes to request information and/or budget, order or to perfect the online purchase in our e-commerce. The form is subject to the acceptance of this privacy policy through the indicated box.
We obtain the navigation data from the different cookies that the client accepts when accessing for the first time.

If you are a face-to-face customer, we obtain your data through:

The client registration form.
The acceptance of the budget presented.
The signed contract.

For what purposes are we going to treat your personal data?

Generar y gestionar la documentación asociada a sus solicitudes y compras.

Facilitarle información sobre las ofertas, productos y servicios conexos con su compra.
Tramitar su reserva o compra on-line a través de nuestra plataforma.
What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?

In the execution of a pre-contract/contract to send you the information and do the proper management of the service provided or the product supplied, not being possible to carry it out otherwise.

In the user’s consent for the sending of the newsletter and commercial communications of the offers, activities and promotions of FRIDA CARLSSON and the sector that may be of interest to them and the management of our blog. The user can revoke the consent given at any time.

Job seekers and candidates.

What data do we collect from applicants?

Data of the candidates requested in the ‘work with us’ form by FRIDA CARLSSON:
Identification data: name and surnames, telephone, postal and electronic address
Academic and labor data
Data that the candidate himself includes as attached documents

How do we obtain your data?

We obtain your data through:

The delivery of a CV in our facilities or the completion of the ‘Work with us’ form on our website.

For what purposes are we going to treat your personal data?

The personal data that the candidates provide us with is used only for the selection processes that are open or will be carried out in the event that the data provided is for our employment exchange.

What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?

In the user’s consent by incorporating their data and their curriculum on the FRIDA CARLSSON website to participate in the selection processes that are active as well as in future processes that may be carried out as long as they do not oppose the treatment of your data.

Social Network Contacts

What data do we collect?

Identification data in the Social Network: FRIDA CARLSSON will not request data beyond what you have included in your user profile.

For what purposes are we going to treat your personal data?

Answer and manage your queries, requests or requests.

Engage with you while you are part of our community of followers.

What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?

In the execution of a pre-contract/contract that links you to the corresponding social network and in accordance with its privacy policies:







Google, including all its tools and others, involve an international transfer of data, being hosted in the US. For this reason, and given that the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework has been considered illegal since the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in case C-311/18 July 23, 2020, the appropriate guarantees must be adopted with under article 46 of the RGPD used to transfer data from the EEA to any third country. will try at all times to establish adequate mechanisms to obtain the consent of the User for the installation of cookies that require it. When a user accesses our website, a pop-up appears informing them of the existence of cookies and that if they continue browsing our page, they consent to the installation of cookies. The acceptance of the installation of cookies entails the acceptance of the conservation of the IP address in the records of, together with the date of acceptance, for a period of one year, in order to demonstrate the consent given. . You can obtain more information in our “Cookies Policy”.

web users

Those data that are processed based on the consent of the web user will be kept as long as they are relevant for the purpose for which they were collected and the consent is not revoked.

Those data that are treated based on legitimate interest, the conservation time will be linked to the one that motivated the collection of the data, always ensuring the adequate guarantees and respect for the rights and freedoms of the interested parties.

Those data that are treated based on the execution of a contract or the adoption of pre-contractual measures, the conservation period will be that in which the contractual relationship remains in force as well as the subsequent time that by legal obligation must be conserved.

The IP address obtained through cookies will have a retention period of one year, in order to demonstrate the user’s consent.

Regarding the term of conservation of cookies, you can obtain more information on our website in the section “Cookie Policy”


Those data that are treated based on legitimate interest, the conservation time will be linked to the one that motivated the collection of the data, always ensuring the adequate guarantees and respect for the rights and freedoms of the interested parties.

Those data that are treated based on a contract, as well as if part of the treatment is legitimized in a legal obligation, the data will be kept during the time in which the contractual relationship is in force. The time of conservation of the data once this is finished, or in the event that the treatment is linked to a legal obligation, will be the one that is legally foreseen, not being able to revoke the treatment of the data by the interested party except in the blocking provisions of the same provided by law.


Those data that are processed based on the client’s consent will be kept as long as they are relevant for the purpose for which they were collected and the consent is not revoked.

Those data that are treated based on legitimate interest, the conservation time will be linked to the one that motivated the collection of the data, always ensuring the adequate guarantees and respect for the rights and freedoms of the interested parties.

Those data that are treated based on a contract, as well as if part of the treatment is legitimized in a legal obligation, the data will be kept during the time in which the contractual relationship is in force. The time of conservation of the data once this is finished, in the event that the treatment is linked to a legal obligation, will be the one that is foreseen, not being able to revoke the treatment of the data by the interested party except in the blocking provisions of the data. the same provided by law.

Job seekers and candidates

Those data that are treated based on the consent of the job applicant and candidate will be kept while the selection process to which they applied remains open. In the event that the application is not for a specific selection process and is for future applications, the retention period will be a maximum of one year, at which time the CV will be deleted and destroyed, unless the interested party express its desire to preserve and be updated.

Social Network Contacts

The data processed from the contacts of Social Networks will be maintained as long as the user and FRIDA CARLSSON maintain a relationship in the social network. As FRIDA CARLSSON does not depend directly on data processing, we can only consult or delete your data in a restricted manner. We will treat your data for as long as the user of the social network is linked to FRIDA CARLSSON as ‘friends’, clicks ‘like’, ‘follow’ or similar buttons.

To proceed with the rectification of your data, restriction of the information or of those publications that you share, FRIDA CARLSSON will not be responsible for making said rectifications, but it must be done by the user of the Social Network by configuring his profile attending to the privacy policy of the Social Network itself.

Regardless of the legitimacy that protected the data collection, it may be processed for scientific, historical or statistical research purposes, always implementing the appropriate guarantees and respecting the rights and freedoms of the interested parties.


Only those over 14 years of age can provide data through our website and e-mail. If you are under this age, you must have the consent of your parents or legal guardians.

The User guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all the data that he communicates to FRIDA CARLSSON and declares that he is over 14 years of age, and will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made.

In the case of making a reservation of a service or online purchase, the interested party must be over 18 years of age, the age legally established in the civil code to acquire the age of majority and capacity to act.

The personal data processed by FRIDA CARLSSON may be mandatory or voluntary. Through the web forms, data from special categories will not be requested to guarantee your privacy. In the event that to provide a service it is necessary to collect data from special categories, they will be requested by another means. The data that will be requested in the forms are:

Identification data: name and surnames, telephone, postal and electronic address.
Data relating to the request.

Voluntary information is that which the user is not obliged to provide in order to contact us.

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) or with the word (required) in our forms are mandatory, the refusal to provide them will mean the impossibility of providing the service or meeting your request.

In the event that you provide us with data from third parties, you state that you have their consent and you agree to transfer the information that we provide in this clause, exempting FRIDA CARLSSON from any type of obligation. However, FRIDA CARLSSON may carry out verifications to verify that the third party has been informed, adopting the diligence measures established in the data protection regulations.


No data will be transferred to third parties except legal obligation or in the event that it is necessary to meet your request.

Among the recipients to whom your data may be communicated are:

Administrations and Public Organizations when required by tax, labor, Social Security or any other applicable regulations. Companies in charge of data processing (fraud detection and prevention providers, technological services, customer service, advertising and marketing services, and, in general, third-party providers that are necessary for the provision of the services offered by FRIDA CARLSSON as providers of courier and transport services, etc…

International data transfers may also take place at the headquarters of the previous assignments/communications for which FRIDA CARLSSON will use the tools provided in article 46 and 49 of the RGPD as a guarantee of those transfers made to countries that do not have a decision of adequacy of the European Commission.

In any case, the third parties with whom certain personal data is shared will have previously accredited the adoption of adequate technical and organizational measures for the correct protection of the same and will be carried out only with third countries when there is a binding legal instrument in accordance with to articles 46 and following of the RGPD. With the acceptance of this privacy policy, it is accepted that an international transfer of data may occur in accordance with the indicated guarantees.

In the event that the requirements contemplated in article 46 are not met, the interested party may grant their consent to the international transfer or execute a contract in the interest of the interested party. Otherwise, an authorization must be requested from the Control Authority.

FRIDA CARLSSON does not sell customer data to third parties under any circumstances.


The user can exercise the following rights before FRIDA CARLSSON:

Access your personal data
Rectify them when they are inaccurate or incomplete
Request the deletion or cancellation of the data when, among other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
Oppose your treatment
Request the limitation of the processing of your data when any of the conditions provided for in the regulations are met
Request the portability of your data in the cases provided for in the regulations
Prevent being the subject of automated decisions
Revoke the consents granted

The user, to exercise their rights, must send a letter indicating the right they wish to exercise and attach a document proving their identity and postal or electronic address for notification purposes. This request can be made either by post to: FRIDA CARLSSON, Calle Taburiente 23, 35510 Puerto del Carmen,
Lanzarote (las Palmas), or at the following e-mail address:

FRIDA CARLSSON must answer the request for the exercise of rights within a period of one month from receipt of the request. This period may be extended for another two months if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. We will inform you of any extension within one month of receipt of the request indicating the reasons for the delay.

Likewise, the interested parties have the right to claim before the competent Control Authority (Spanish Agency for Data Protection) when they consider that FRIDA CARLSSON has violated the rights that the data protection regulations recognize in


FRIDA CARLSSON has a current contract with the Hosting company 10dencehispahard, S.L. for hosting your website.

In any case, FRIDA CARLSSON guarantees the adoption of the appropriate measures to ensure the confidential treatment of your data, taking into account their reserved nature and undertakes that said data remain secret, treating it with the utmost reserve, and declares to have implemented in its information system, the security policies corresponding to the type of data handled in accordance with the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD).

All data provided through our platform is collected using a secure protocol. Our website has an SSL certificate that allows an encrypted connection to be established when a user visits our website and exchanges information with us.


If you choose to leave our website through links to other websites that do not belong to our entity, FRIDA CARLSSON will not be responsible for the privacy policies of said websites or for the cookies that they may store on the user’s computer. Username.

A cookie is a text file that a web server can save on your computer’s hard drive to store some type of information about you as a user. Cookies are used for various purposes such as storing data for future visits, to recognize the user and avoid asking for authentication again, to know which pages you visit, or to save your preferences in customizable areas…). Websites normally use cookies to obtain statistical information about their web pages, and analyze the behavior of their clients/users.

Cookies used for any of the following purposes are exempt from compliance with the obligations established in article 22.2 of the LSSI:

Only allow communication between the user’s computer and the network.
Strictly provide a service expressly requested by the user.
Thus, among the excepted cookies would be those whose purpose is:

“User input” cookies.
Authentication or user identification cookies (session only).
User security cookies
Media player session cookies.
Session cookies for load balancing.
User interface customization cookies.
Certain add-on cookies (plug-in) to exchange social content
The specific uses we make of these technologies are described in the following sections.

Cookies can be classified according to the following criteria:

Depending on who installs the cookie, these can be:

Own cookies: These are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment either from a computer or domain managed by us or by a third party, but the information collected by the cookies is managed by a third party other than the owner of the website.

Depending on their retention period, cookies can be:

Session Cookies: These are those that last as long as the user is browsing the Web page and are deleted when the navigation ends.

Persistent cookies: They are stored in the user’s terminal for a longer time, thus facilitating the control of the chosen preferences without having to repeat certain parameters each time the website is visited.

Depending on their purpose, cookies can be:

Technical cookies: Technical cookies are those that are essential and strictly necessary for the proper functioning of a website and the use of the various options and services it offers. For example, those for session maintenance, those that allow the use of security elements, sharing content with social networks, etc.

Personalization cookies: They allow the user to choose or customize features of the website such as language, regional settings or browser type.

Analytical Cookies: These are used by the Web portals to create browsing profiles and be able to know the preferences of users in order to improve the offer of products and services. They allow the control of geographic areas of greatest interest to a user, the information on the web that is most accepted, etc.

Advertising / advertising cookies: are those that store information on the behavior of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.

3. COOKIES USED ON OUR WEB uses the following types of cookies on the web:

technical cookies

They allow the user to browse the Web, remember their passwords and use features such as the shopping cart.

Personalization cookies

They allow knowing the user’s preferences: language, products visited…

Analysis cookies

We use Google Analytics cookies to quantify the number of users who visit the Web. These cookies allow us to measure and analyze the way users browse the Web. This information allows FRIDA CARLSSON to continually improve its services and the experience of Web users. For more information, you can consult the Google Analytics privacy page:

Advertising and behavioral advertising cookies

These cookies are used to show relevant ads to users based on their use of our website. In addition, they limit the number of times each user views an advertisement and help FRIDA CARLSSON to measure the effectiveness of its advertising campaigns. By browsing the Web, the user accepts that we install this type of cookies on their device and that we make queries when the user visits the FRIDA CARLSSON Web in the future.

Cookies installed in our web domain:

Cookie name


Own / third party


When is it installed?


This is a necessary cookie to handle the integration between this platform and Mailchimp, an email and newsletter provider.


27 days

When cookies are accepted

Technical cookie for cookie consent management*

Technical and strictly necessary that stores the acceptance of the installation of cookies.


1 year

When the website is accessed


Contains a unique code for each customer so you know where to find the cart data in each customer’s database.


2 days

When cookies are accepted



Helps WooCommerce determine when cart content or data changes.



When cookies are accepted



Established for fraud prevention purposes and helps us assess the risk associated with an attempted transaction.


1 year

When cookies are accepted


unknown purpose


1 day

When cookies are accepted

This website, like most websites, includes features provided by third parties.

Our website is a living website and new designs or services from third parties may be included. This may occasionally modify the cookie settings and may cause cookies not detailed in detail in this policy to appear.

Other storage and retrieval devices loaded in the storage are the following:


Service provider







Store items in the shopping cart








Store and Track visits across multiple Websites




Stores actions performed by users on the website

unknown purpose

Service provider







unknown purpose

4. INFORMATION AND OBTAINING CONSENT FOR THE INSTALLATION will seek at all times to establish adequate mechanisms to obtain the User’s consent for the installation of cookies that require it. When a user accesses our website, a pop-up appears informing them of the existence of cookies and that by accepting them, they give their consent for the installation of cookies.

The user can reject the installation of all those cookies, according to their preferences, except those that they expressly authorize or those that are of a technical profile and must be installed to guarantee the correct functioning of the web page, indicating those that they wish to install or reject in the pop-up or cookie acceptance window that appears when entering the home page. However, there are other ways to prevent cookies from being installed on your computer, as we indicate below.

The user can configure his browser to accept, or not, the cookies he receives or so that the browser notifies him when a server wants to save a cookie. If some technical cookies are disabled, the correct functioning of some of the web utilities is not guaranteed.

The user may exclude Google Analytics “analytical and advertising” cookies from being stored on their terminal by means of the exclusion systems provided by Google Analytics.

Below, we also provide some examples of how to disable cookies:

Through the configuration of the browser itself:
Internet Explorer:
To expand this information, go to the page of the Spanish Data Protection Agency that helps configure privacy in social networks, browsers and mobile operating systems. More information.

Using third-party tools:
There are third-party tools, available online, that allow users to detect cookies on each website they visit and manage their deactivation, for example:

In any case, the user can allow or block cookies, as well as delete their browsing data (including cookies) from the browser they use. Check the options and instructions offered by your browser for this. Please note that if you accept third-party cookies, you must delete them from the browser options.

If you choose to leave our website through links to other websites that do not belong to our entity, we will not be responsible for the privacy policies of said websites or for the cookies that they may store on the user’s computer.

The Web servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by users.

An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. This information allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to know if you have given your consent for the installation of cookies, to carry out only statistical measurements that allow knowing the number of visits made to the Web, the order of visits, the access point , etc.

The cookies installed in our web domain are installed on our server, so the data collected in them is not subject to international data transfers.

Third-party cookies installed on our website by third-party domains may be subject to international data transfer. To obtain more information about the possible international data transfers that these cookies may entail, we recommend that you click on the “more information” section of the cookie you wish to consult.

The data collected by Google Analytics cookies may be subject to international data transfer as they are processed by Google. As described in its Privacy Shield certification, Google, including Google LLC, and its U.S.-owned affiliates adhere to both the EU-US Privacy Shield and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield frameworks. in its entirety, which have certified their adherence to the principles of the Privacy Shield.

This policy is reviewed periodically to ensure its validity, so it can be modified. We recommend that you visit the page regularly where we will inform you of any updates in this regard.

Opening Hours

By appointment only

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays | 9am to 5pm
Tuesdays, Thursdays | 2pm to 7pm